CEBU CITY, Cebu Feb. 1 (PIA) --The Department of Environment and Natural Resources 7 (DENR-7) has urged the local community, local government units (LGUs), and other stakeholders in Central Visayas to help protect and conserve the remaining wetlands in the region. The call is in line with this year’s observance of "World Wetlands Day" on February 2 with the theme "Wetland Restoration". The agency is asking for public support, especially from those communities near wetlands, to contribute to the preservation of these areas, as it has a significant impact on mitigating the effects of climate change. "Ang mga wetlands naa siyay mga ecosystem services nga gihatag sa atoa like water and food, naa puy regulating and cultural services sama sap ag mitigate sa erosions and floods." said DENR7, DMO-II of Conservation and Development Division Reginaldo Bueno during the "Kapihan sa PIA" on February 1. "So let us do our share to protect and conserve our ...